We had a 3D/4D ultrasound done this weekend. This was just for fun, not medical. we wanted the pictures of baby and we could also schedule it for a weekend that both our parents were in town so that the grandparents got a look at their new grandbaby. We still didn't find out whether it's a boy or a girl because we still want to wait. We did find out our baby is bald though! So much for the old wives tale that heartburn means you're having a hairy baby. Our baby decided to sleep through the whole ultrasound though and no amount of poking, jumping, and stretching could convince her/him to wake up. I couldn't do the traditional sugary orange juice drink to wake up baby because the doctor just diagnosed me with gestational diabetes. I tried a couple sips of Mike's coke but apparently it wasn't enough to get baby going. We still got lots of cute pictures though. Here are a couple of our favorites. If you want to see more then just follow this link to the ones on facebook http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=202330&id=662435043&l=33a03567dd
Here is baby smiling.
Here is baby sticking out his/her tongue.
Here baby is using his/her foot to scratch his/her ear. Clearly our baby has already been influenced by our dog. =) You can also see the baby's hand. Both the foot and hand were covering the face. Baby was being shy.