Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Dryer Escapedes

Mike has a washer and dryer that he bought when he first moved into the house. While they're not ancient, they're not very new. They also weren't the high end type either since if you know Mike you know he doesn't like parting with his money. Our neighbor who is equally attached to his money terms it economically efficient. I have dreams of some day getting one of those high efficiency washers and dryers like our friends who just bought a new home got. I never realized that I would be envious of a friends washer, but I was. For now though it's not on our purchase list and that's fine because it works reasonably well. Or it worked reasonably well until Sunday afternoon.
With wet clothes in the dryer and another load already started in the washer, our dryer over-heated and quit running. No finagling could get it working. So we hung all the wet clothes up in the guest bathroom (learned that much weight on the shower rod make it come crashing down in the middle of the night) and put the rest of the laundry on hold until the dryer could be fixed. The problem arose when the dryer guy came on Tuesday and said that he couldn't fix our dryer until the parts came in on Friday. This was problematic since Mike had a very important business lunch on Wednesday and now had no clean slacks. I suggested that he wash them and take the slacks over to our neighbor's house and ask to borrow her dryer. Fortunately we're good friends with our neighbors.
A little bit later Mike went back to get his pants and their cars weren't in the driveway. We have a key to their house (for dogsitting) and so Mike rang the doorbell, waited a few seconds, and started to let himself in. Right as he started to open the door it opened from the inside to reveal the babysitter who was freaked out by someone opening the door. He told her he was there for his pants and she was apparently speechless. Mike didn't know that they were going to have a sitter and the sitter didn't know Mike was coming over. I can't imagine what was going through this poor girl's mind as a total stranger walked in to the house and announced that he was there for his pants!
Hopefully the dryer will be fixed on Friday so we won't have anymore clothes at our neighbor's house, but in the future we may need to check about sitters. =)

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