Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Vote! Is Baby Cross a boy or a girl?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Updated puppy pics

Here are the last pictures of the puppy from our breeder. This weekend Mike and I are going to OKC for DG's 90th birthday party and then up to Tulsa to pick up our dog! We're pretty excited and will put up pictures from the party and from the puppy next week. We've been doing a lot of shopping and he now has a crate, dishes, chew toys and all those types of things. All we need now is him. Just as a funny antecdote though. Last weekend Mike and I were at my parents house and Mom told us that one of her co-workers said that she's getting a "grandpuppy" instead of a grandchild. We thought that was entertaining and told her that she's more than welcome to come over and spoil the puppy as practice for grandkids (way, way down the road).

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